
On the blog

From time to time when I get time I occasionally write. Here you will find art therapy insights, exercises and health and wellbeing tips!

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Create a vision board

What is a Vision Board? Simply put, a vision board is a physical collection of items such as pictures, magazine clippings, words and quotes that visually affirm your goals and dreams for the year. It’s an ideal way to start the new year productively. What are the benefits? Not only is the process enjoyable it also…

Benefits of Art Therapy

Art is an inherently enjoyable experience, which can be a powerful tool in a therapy setting. It can give you the opportunity to express your inner thoughts, while helping you to better understand and make sense of your emotions and the world in which you live. Some people can feel overwhelmed by the problems they…

What is Art Therapy?

Arts and creative therapies involve using arts-based activities in a therapeutic environment, with the support of a trained professional. You don’t need to have done these activities before, or have any particular skills or knowledge. Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of expression and communication.…